2013, gone
As usual at the end of the year, here is a short overview about my current physical state:
- I spent 4 months in a hospital because of an anti-immune disease called Pyoderma Gangraenosum. It destroys the skin and the area around, and I got a long Cortisone stress therapy to stop that disease. It stopped. My wound healed. So this is very good.
- Due to that disease, the time spent in the hospital, the Cortisone, and other medicine, I am in a bad physical condition which concerns my blood pressure, my general fitness, and my body shape.
- A few weeks ago I started to train again - nearly every day, strength, aerobics, stretching.
- Most parts of my body hurt, quite a lot, and I have difficulties to sleep well, and therefore I often have not enough energy to perform my tasks when I'm awake.
- I have overweight, one could say I'm a little bit fat..., so I have to reduce my weight, which is not so easy, but I think I'm on a good way.
And here some general remarks about me and my life:
- My wife: our relationship is very good and very important for me.
- Family: is good.
- Friends: good, not enough friends, I have to be more active.
- Job: is bad. They put me back, because I cannot be at the office every day full time, so they successfully destroyed a big part of my motivation.
- Body: I have to fight to become better, but I started.
- Leisure time: Many interesting things to do, but I have to focus more on those activities which help me more in my life.
- Identity: Struggling to find a new one.
- Spirituality: is good. Still in harmony.
- Life: I would like to do some important or useful things but haven't figured out yet what to do exactly.
- Death: I remember to have died several times a few years ago during the time in the hospital, so I lost some fears about it. My main fear is to die and let my beloved wife alone. Have to think about how to handle this better.
Concluding I would say, I'm on my way, but don't where to go yet :-)
Have a great 2014 :-)
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